The 4C's of a diamond greatly effect the overall shinning and spark with luster and illuminance |
cut of a diamond is important for the appearance of the finished diamond
because it needs to have symmetry, polish , gridle, florescence ,crown angle, pavilion depth, pavilion height, milky and few others.
ideal cut was designed to provide standard, mathematically accurate ratios of
table size (the top, and largest facet of a stone), diameter (the diamond's
width at the girdle), crown (the
from the girdle up), pavilion (the diamond from the girdle down), culet (the
bottom, and smallest, facet of a diamond), girdle (the belt at the widest
portion of the diamond) and depth
entire diamond height from table to culet or top to bottom).
Polish: The polish of a diamond is fairly self-explanatory, in
that it is the finished polish on a diamond's surfaces, or facets. The facets
must have a good polish in order to most effectively reflect light that passes
over the diamond. A poorly polished facet or facets can prevent a diamond from
not only failing to properly reflect the light that is flashing over it, thus
creating a dulled surface look, but poor polish can also cause a diamond to be
diminished in its ability to allow light to pass into and through it, thus
diminishing its fire and brilliance. In effect, a poor polish can ruin an
otherwise spectacular diamond. A diamond's polish should produce smooth, clean
and flat surfaces, so that the diamond's play of light is utilized to its
greatest effect.
Symmetry: The term symmetry refers to the placement of a diamond's facets. The facets themselves are the flat surfaces that we are familiar with when we think of a diamond. These surfaces must be aligned in just the right orientation to one another, and they must be sized in relation to one another. If a diamond has proper symmetry, this indicates that its facets are all the proper size in relation to one another, and that there are the proper number of facets, in relation to the size and desired effect of the diamond
Weight: In the case of such diamonds, the rough diamond is cut
to best accentuate the particular qualities of the diamond. For example, a
diamond may be cut for greater depth, or greater width, so as to allow for a
larger carat weight. While these diamonds may not have the brilliance or fire
of an ideal cut diamond, their weight allows them to have greater value than
they would otherwise have should they be cut down to an insignificant size for
the sake of an ideal cut.
desire for a particular carat weight also comes into play in the choice of cut
for a diamond. While the ideal cut may seem to be what is desired above all,
this is not actually the case. There are many rough diamonds that, due to
various reasons such as cleavage points, and inclusions, would be diminished to
insignificant carat weights should they be cut to ideal proportions.
Shape: When a diamond is cut, the diamond will have a particular shape. This shape is usually determined by the motivation of the cutter, to supply the largest and best quality diamond; which means he must follow the structure of the diamond's original rough. There are numerous shapes for diamonds, with no particular shape being better than any other, although the current market demand is for round brilliant and princess cut diamonds. However, keep in mind the shape of a diamond that is right for one person may not be right for another.
Among the world's major gold trading centers, Dubai is a relatively new participant. However, it is smart enough to chase previously wasted markets and is ambitious, often taking shortcuts to bring gold to the market and with lowest tax and best quality in gold and diamondjewelry as compared to around the rest of the world
The Gold Souk area of Deira is the center of gold and shopping, and you must see festive crowds and elaborate gold displays to believe it. The shop windows are literally full of golden trim, and when you see the shiny display racks, you will have nothing to say. The worlds biggest Ring is also displayed in one of the renowned jewelery stores front display, All the rough diamonds are imported from South Africa and other countries into Dubai, and hence the price is comparatively cheaper and duty-free.
Mamiya jewelry store is authentic source of online shopping from Dubai gold market in this post pandemic situation. The plus point of shop online is shipping costs are paid by them unless you have haggled a lot and have kept no room for them to not be able to charge you towards their shipping and freight forwarding fees.
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