Love is a beautiful and surreal feeling that can conquer anything. Love is above everything. Are you in a long term relationship? Do you want to take your relationship further? Do you want your girlfriend to become your wife? If yes, then it becomes obligatory to propose your girlfriend for marriage. Marriage is a milestone that can anyone’s life positively.
Before proposing your girlfriend, it is necessary to find an enchanting
Now, time has changed a lot. Gone were those days, when only men used to propose, nowadays even women also take an initiative of proposing their man for the marriage. Many people think that buying an engagement is necessary because of societal pressure, but this is not an entire truth. At the present time. People buy it for different reasons that are mentioned below in a brief manner:
,1. You want to follow the tradition: Don’t you think that a cake with an icing looks and tastes great? Don’t you just love the heavenly combination of peanut butter and jelly? If yes, then a combination of a proposal with a ring doesn’t go wrong. Engagements and ring go together hand in hand. It is not like that every girlfriend desires to have a big stone in their ring. You can give a ring as per your financial stability. Proposing your loved one with a ring for marriage is also a long followed tradition. If you want to stick to this tradition, then get a marvellous ring for your better half.
2. You want to flaunt your financial skills: Who says you have to spend the salary of your many months for buying the dream ring for your soul mate? Don’t allow the advertising wisdom to tell you how you need to spend your money. You can buy a ring simultaneously save a handsome amount of money by purchasing a ring online and perhaps reducing your expectations a bit not much. If you want to save money and get the dream ring, then it is advisable to buy a ring from an esteemed online portal. You can also go for a ‘near colorless’ diamond that will appear as shiny and fancy as a colored diamond. Stick to a budget as you will be starting your financial, personal, emotional, and married life together.
3. Token of love: It would not be wrong if someone says that engagement is a token. Don’t you want your girlfriend to show her ring when her friends ask her about the engagement? When your girlfriend’s friends do not see a sparkling ring in her hand maybe they will not understand your love for her and bombarded questions on her. It will be a super awkward situation. Save yourself and your girlfriend from awkwardness and give her a dazzling ring.
,4. Show your unbreakable bond: A ring will not just be a piece of jewelry. It will show your love for your loved one. Romantic dinners are thoughtful, kisses & hugs are sweet, gifts are lovely, when he cooks dinner for you shows his chivalry, but when it comes to an engagement ring, then every girl dreams of a perfect ring. Your girlfriend will be so proud of you when she shows her ring to her friend even if you are not around. An engagement ring is much more than a long followed tradition.
5. Women love to flaunt off a nice rock: For many men, all rings appear to be the same, but for a bride-to-be, her ring would be a symbol of love and status. Every engaged woman love to flaunt her ring which is given by her soul mate. Emotional value is attached to an engagement ring.
6. You will be in the good books of your future-in-laws: Maybe you are a successful doctor, engineer, banker or any other professional but this doesn’t mean you can compromise with a ring. Professional success plays an important role when it comes to impressing your future-in-laws, but this doesn’t mean that you will get the liberty of not giving a ring. You can score good marks by bestowing an extraordinary engagement ring upon their child.
7. Impress your closed pals: Most probably your buddies did not care much about the particulars about the cut and the carat — but they will be spellbound if you got a ring that you didn’t conceal you in borrowing expenses. Your fiancée should be awe-struck too as studies have shown that beautiful engagement rings augment your chances of staying together.
,8. Advertisers have done their work: Advertisements always try to pitch by showing loud TV commercial that somehow compels you to pop a question about marriage to your loved one. It is possible that maybe your girlfriend has also seen such advertisements and expecting from you to pop a question. While this one of the most significant reasons to go to the jewelry store, but make sure that you are buying a ring because you and your partner really settle down, not because you cannot skin seeing ads.
9. You want to give the ring to future generations: It’s sensible to think ahead of your time, though let’s reach to the proposal stage first. Positively you’ll pick out just an appropriate ring that your future wife may never want to give someone, even to her own daughter or son.
10. You will get to create your own ring: If you want some exquisite, then many stores also give you an opportunity to create your own ring. You can insert specifications in the ring. Not just this, many online portals also give this chance of creating a jaw-dropping ring. Imagine that you would be able to design a dream ring without leaving your bed.
11. You are in love: You are in love and grateful that you are with your partner who makes every moment of life beautiful and lovable. You are blessed to have your soul mate in your life. So, express your love with a nicely designed ring that enhances her beauty. Whether you are a romantic at heart or unromantic, a ring can show your love and affection like no other thing. Your partner’s heart will swell with pride and happiness.
12. It’s time to ditch the grade school ring: The ring which you have given in grade school is tacky and making your girlfriend’s finger look green. Now, time has changed to present a beautiful ring for her. Nowadays, you will get so many options to choose from. There are so many stones which are mounted in rings to enhance their elegance. It is not compulsory that you only have to choose a diamond, you can get your hands on some other gemstone, such as- sapphire, solitaire, rose quartz, and many more. Gone were those days when people only used to stick with diamonds.
An eternity band, also known as an eternity ring or infinity ring, is composed of valuable metal set with a comprehensive hoop of diamonds. With its infinite circle of diamonds, a ring of this type is intended to signify never-ending love. One can easily get
Irrespective of which style you select, it’s habitual to wear an eternity ring on the left-hand ring finger. If the ring is given to you as a milestone anniversary gift, you can wear it between your wedding ring and engagement ring, or in any arrangement that looks gorgeous to you.
Just like when you’re shopping for an engagement ring, you’ll want to purchase an eternity ring from a trustworthy, reputable jewelry vendor so that you will get peace of mind that your money is in safe hands. A good reputation shows that your vendor is providing a good product or service. So, make sure that before shopping you check the reputation of a retailer.
Stick with a budget before making a purchase. Nowadays, you can also get an eternity ring within your budget. Set a budget and stick to it. This will help you to prevent overspending. If you want to save money, then make a definite budget. Additionally, if you are buying an eternity ring online, then it is advisable to check whether the website is giving a refund and exchange policy or not. If the online store doesn’t, then you need to select the ring carefully or look out for another store.